The BiH electromobility association was founded in May 2019, within the energy sector Chambers of Commerce/Economics of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The association brings together public and private entities from the automotive industry, power engineering, electrical industry, transport, environmental protection, distribution of oil and oil derivatives, as well as entities from others activities aimed at reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from transport, development and promotion of electromobility and accompanying infrastructure, improvement of the business and social environment,
development of new business models, and transposition of EU directives on the way to decarbonization. Currently, the Association gathers around 40 members with a tendency of constant growth, and among the active ones are: Elektroprivreda BIH, Elektroprivreda HZHB, BH, JP Autoceste FBIH, Porsche BH, Peugeot, Hyundai BH, Guma M (Renault), ABB, Hager d.o.o., BIHAMK, Sejari, Centrotrans, BSP Oil, Holdina, Auto HIT – Nissan, SLT – Mitschubisi, Cromex, Delta Petrol, JP BH Pošte, Procredit Bank, CET Energy, Klix Auto, ProAuto, Volvo BH, Kia Center, Unis Telekomunikacije, Future Brand, iHome, Partner
microcredit foundation, Grand Automotive – Ford BiH….. You can follow the work and activities of the Association via the Facebook page:
For more information, please contact:
Anela Karahasan
Tel: 033 566 333
Armin Hodžić
Tel: 033 566 308